Johfra Bosschart is born as Johannes Franciscus Gijsbertus VAN DEN BERG in 1919 in Rotterdam.
Johfra is the contamination of JOHannes FRAnciscus, and Bosschart is the familyname
of his mother Jeanne.
Johfra was a fine artist, like Salvator Dali or the Dutchman Carel Willink.
He painted in a meta-realistic style, with lots of symbolism and self-inspired
reality. Johfra preferred to name his style as "fantastic realism".
Johfra described his works as: "Surrealism based on studies of psychology,
religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and
occultism". The works of Johfra can be divided in two categories: hyperrealistic
paintings and surrealistic paintings.
Johfra and Ellen LORIEN settled in Fleurac (Dordogne, France) in 1962. He died
on 6 November 1998, almost 79 year old, in his beloved France.
Thus ended a painters career of sixty years, in which the artist from
Den Hague had painted thousand oil paintings, two thousand drawings,
one hundred forty aquarels and nine collages. We did not include the
about three hundred paintings and about thousand drawings that were
destroyed at the bombing of Bezuidenhout in Den Hague in 1945. |

Claydoll of Johfra, by Lia Imhof |
The works of Johfra are frequently exhibited in 'Gallery Utrecht' in
Utrecht, and there also was an impressive retrospective in Hoorn, NL in 2001.
The book "Hoogste lichten en diepsteschaduwen" Highest Lights and Shadows
of Depths) by Gerrit Luidinga, was also published in 2001. (ISBN 90 215 8904 4
Kosmos-Z&K Publishers, Utrecht/Antwerp). This work, of more than 500 pages,
gives an interesting survey of Johfra's works.
A museum of fantastic art dedicated to Johfra, is planned to be completed in about
2003. It will be located in the center of the Netherlands, near Utrecht. A foundation
has been created by friends and collectors, to help Ellen to realize all these
Johfra can be described as a prophet in his own country who wasn’t heard.
Many people and reviewers were negative and against his work. During his life
he was never taken seriously by the official art-institutes and museums. But his
exhibitions showed the opposite: lots of visitors and always sold out. Many writers
were inspired by his paintings and many books have been written about him.Just
before Johfra died, his own autobiography was published:
‘Symphony Fantastique’
(ISBN: 90 804422016, de Verbeelding/Woerden, 1998). In this book he explains why
he wrote this autobiography: "So many people tried
to label me and tried
to place me in a certain corner. One writer who made an excellent biography about
me, wrote in his book that I was a ‘Gnostic teacher who wanted to purchase
and convince pupils through my painting! I just wanted to make some things clear.
Who knows more about me than myself?”
An exception is the writer or journalist Hein Steehouwer, an art criticist of
Haarlem, who was the manager of the Art department of ‘Haarlems Newspaper’
until his death in 1977.
Steehouwer was attracted by Johfra's paintings. He always was obsessed by the
thought that ‘There is more between heaven and earth
'. He liked
the fairy-like and the theatrical magic. Many of the paintings could have been
beautiful surreal opera sceneries. Hein Steehouwer preferred the deeper background
and the spiritual message behind the very symbolized works.
Dreamflying |
Prisoners of Pan |
Thumbsucking 60x90cm |
Hein Steehouwer became a promotor of Johfra and six style relatives and named
them the seven meta-realists: Diana Vandenberg (ex-wife of Johfra), Ellen Lòrien
(wife of Johfra), Victor Linford, Frans Erkelens, Johan Hermsen and Han Koning
(he withdrew from the group). Steehouwer became a fiery advocate of the meta-realists.
He organised expositions and wrote two books: ‘Seven Meta-realists’
(1974) and ‘Johfra and the Zodiac’ (1975).
The poet writer Gerrit Luidinga wrote in the preface in the book: ‘A
museum tour in the Netherlands and Belgium of the meta-realists made an enormous
revival of the interest for especially the works of Johfra. But Johfra is unfortunately
with this situation. He believes that the deserving and useful efforts of Steehouwer
made him a show-piece in the window of the occult and esoteric ideas world of
his promotor.’
After Steehouwer’s death the term meta-realism is exchanged for fantastic
.jpg) |
Cristalline |
Leopard Woman - the
little daughter of Nezach (Venus) |
Uncompleted transformation-
Cat Woman |
Womanface |
Johfra was also a searcher for the sense of being: he joined the movement of
the Rozekruisers, in Haarlem: the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, one of the three
world centers of this brotherhood, characterized by the preaching of the liberation
of mankind from his doomed existence. Johfra and his wife Diana worked, in the
order of the clergyman leaders, for the design of new centra. For the temple
at the canal of Bakenesser in Haarlem they made the statues and candlesticks
and designed the glass-in-lead windows. Johfra made paintings in relation with
the tenets of the brotherhood.
Johfra wrote his
life in a diary, which encompasses four thin-books and nineteen books of 350
pages. The text of the new book consists of fascinating, sometimes affecting
fragments of that immense work-of-life. In his diary on 25 July 1959: ‘Describing
life in a diary can be an important aid to live more intense, to absorbe completely
in the moment and to assimilate it till the end. Describing our experience,
is like reviving it. In this way we can live twice.’